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Alt Bridge School - Refurbishment

Client: Knowsley MBC

Value: £93,000

Contract: 8 weeks

Challenge: Refurbishment of various areas around the site, during term time, with school fully operational.

Solution: Works were programmed in a phased manner, with us closing off small isolated areas at a time to minimise any disruption to the students and the school’s daily activities. Works to each area were fully completed, snagged and handed back to the school for operational use, before the next area was closed off for refurbishment.

Client benefits: Sterling provided the most cost-effective solution to the client, having secured the works following a competitive tendering process. Furthermore, Sterling’s phased approach of programming the works ensured that refurbishment works to a considerable amount of the school’s premises were completed with minimal disturbance and pupils studies were unaffected by the works.

"....................I am writing to thank you on behalf of the Governors and staff of Alt Bridge School for the excellent work you have done in our Wellbeing Hub.

Staff and Governors are delighted with the space and the quality of the finished project.

Your staff have been so professional, helpful and patient. It has been a pleasure working with you all!!

We look forward to working with you on  future projects."...........................

Marie Freeman - School Business Manager - Alt Bridge School

Alt Bridge School - Refurbishment

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