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Plantation Primary School


Plantation Primary School


Knowsley Council

Commencement Date

18th July 2022

Completion on Time


Brief Description of works

Full refurbishment and reconfiguration of library, main reception, KS2 reception and nursery. Works included but not limited to new  plasterboard partitions, new kitchens, WC 's and HPL partitions a new reception desk and framed and glazed reception screen


6 weeks

Point of Interest / Innovation

Plantation School was split over two phases, the first and smaller being the refurbishment of the library and adjacent office. Partly carried out during term time we ensured there was no interface with full isolation from the children and staff. Phase two involved the full refurbishment of the main reception and two sizeable infant/junior classrooms. Clearly not able to be undertaken during term time, the works were completed in time during the summer holidays for the start of the new academic year.

Plantation Primary School

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